Praise God 

  • For His grace, mercy and faithfulness that sustain all of us every day 
  • For His abundant blessings upon the life and ministry of our Church
  • For His provision of work in Accenture to Ruth
  • For the involvement of our Church in the events organized by Mission agencies such as first ever week-long Partnership Institute and workshop on Expository Preaching etc...etc...
  • For enabling all our children to pass their exams and be promoted to higher class.
  • For blessing Zeal and Arul with their second baby boy

  • As a congregation, we realize more than ever before the need for our own place of worship. We urge you to join with us in praying fervently for God's Will, guidance and provision of needed resources and to do faithfully whatever you can to help us. 


  • Continually for the life and ministry of our Church
  • That all the families in the Church would continue to enjoy God's favour and peace
  • For the ministry of Sunday School among the children and for all the teachers
  • For God's specific leading in our Mission strategy as a Church
  • For God's healing touch to Dr. Matthew and Pastor Ravi Raj 
  • For Mrs. Sudarshan's brother who is bed-ridden; Also for Mrs. Sudarshan 
  • For God's help and guidance to Cedric in his new business venture
  • For Shalom Children Home, an orphanage in Kanakapura supported by the Church as they had to shift their home unexpectedly to a new location. Pray that the children would get used to the new place and the Lord would continue to bless and use Pastor Joseph and his wife in their ministry 
  • Also for Georgee and Thomas along with their families serving the Lord in Himachal Pradesh; Bro. Albert in Nagercoil and Pastor John Swaminathan in Krishnagiri and for Bro. Sham Mohan as he directs the work of Youth For Christ in Bangalore
  • For God's continued guidance, provision and protection to Ann as she has been pursuing her Ph.D., in Netherlands
  • For Shagufta and Nikhil as they prepare for their marriage in December 2016 
  • For our Praise and worship team: Junu, Mr. Sudarshan and Aaron  that the Lord will use them to minister to us every week
  • For our members who are living abroad, Ann & Chris; Samantha & Vinod and Ragi and Amrit. 
  • For all those who celebrate their birthdays and wedding anniversaries during the month of June 2015